Crack burgers

 Preparation Time: 5 

minutes Cooking Time: 7 minutes 

Total Time: 12 minutes 

Servings: 4 


 Grill the patties to your desired

 1 Ib ground chuck 

3 tbsp sour cream 

2 tbsp ranch dressing 

mix 1/4 cup cooked and crumbled meat 

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese 


In a large bowl, combine ground chuck, sour cream, ranch dressing mix, crumbled meat, and shredded cheddar cheese. 

Mix until well combined. Form the mixture into 4 hamburger patties.

 doneness, being careful as the burgers will be very moist.

 Flip them carefully to avoid breaking. 

1 Serve on your favorite hamburger buns, topped with lettuce, tomato, mustard, and mayo. 

Enjoy these delicious and flavorful crack burgers in just 12 minutes!

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