Strawberry Icebox Pie.

 Strawberry Icebox Pie.


1 Graham Cracker Crust

1 can of Eagle Brand Condensed Milk

1 regular-size container of Cool Whip

1 can of Strawberry Pie Filling or 1 cup of fresh diced strawberries (add 1/4 cup sugar if using fresh strawberries)

3 1/2 teaspoons of dry Strawberry Jello

1/4 cup of Lemon Juice


In a bowl, mix the condensed milk and Cool Whip by hand until the mixture is fluffy.

Add the dry Jello and mix well to combine.

Pour in the lemon juice and continue mixing until the mixture thickens and becomes fluffy.

Gently fold in the strawberry pie filling or the sugared fresh strawberries.

Scoop the mixture evenly into the graham cracker crust.

Chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours to set.

Optional: Garnish with fresh strawberry slices before serving for a decorative touch.


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